![Иконка для "Lazarus Instrumentality Expedition Chest"](https://new-world.guide/cdn/v1.8.0/items/expedition_box_s1_lazarus.webp)
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Lazarus Instrumentality Expedition Chest
A selection of gear and resources only acquirable in the Lazarus Instrumentality.
Includes the following:
1 x Random Lazarus Gear
1 x Random Named Lazarus Gear
800 x Lazarus Materia
8-12 x Spectral Dust
2 x Metallic Boneweave
2 x Lazarus Perk Resource
Привязывается после поднятия (Bind on Equip)
0.1 ![Weight icon](/static/images/iconweight.png)
![Weight icon](/static/images/iconweight.png)
10 000
Максимум в стаке
Минимальный необходимый уровень: 60