Tavern Supplies

Found in Stonetooth Terrace

Part of the following chapter:
Lore book icon Polly's Follies
Polly's Follies

Fifteen tankards, exactly as requested. I gave the porter a wooden mace and a new coat to defend himself on his way back to you. The poor lad barely survived the trip here, and his clothes were in tatters from how the Undead harassed hi...

Tavern Supplies Страница - База знаний NWGuide

Tavern Supplies Страница Found in Stonetooth Terrace - в базе данных New World Guide of Lore


Fifteen tankards, exactly as requested. I gave the porter a wooden mace and a new coat to defend himself on his way back to you. The poor lad barely survived the trip here, and his clothes were in tatters from how the Undead harassed him so. You really ought to put more stock into protecting your porters like Taptonn, Elizabeth, lest you want your supplies stolen again. Now that the pirates have had a taste of my fine craftsmanship in drink-ware. I fear they've acquired an appetite for it, and know to attack the porter on sight.


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