William Heron’s Account

Heron’s Research Into the Shattered Obelisk

Part of the following chapter:
Lore book icon Night of the Blue Flames
Night of the Blue Flames

That Obelisk wasn’t always shattered, or so the people who arrived in Aeternum before me report. The Ancient Guardians once slumbered, naught but piles of bones on the old stone floors of their monuments. It was the explosion of the Obelisk that awok...

William Heron’s Account Страница - База знаний NWGuide

William Heron’s Account Страница Heron’s Research Into the Shattered Obelisk - в базе данных New World Guide of Lore

That Obelisk wasn’t always shattered, or so the people who arrived in Aeternum before me report. The Ancient Guardians once slumbered, naught but piles of bones on the old stone floors of their monuments. It was the explosion of the Obelisk that awoke these old warriors, igniting blue flames around the island that cannot be extinguished by water or any natural means.

Was there some sort of timer device? Did someone interfere where they should not have? Further research is required.


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