Beasts of Power in Aeternum

Monsters of the Deep

Part of the following chapter:
Lore book icon Machera's Meditations
Machera's Meditations

The Merrow in Cutlass Keys
The Angler Fish in First Light
The Bishop Fish in Windsward
The Morag in Monarch's Bluffs
The Selkie in Reekwater
The Mandje Mandje in Everfall
The Egede Serpe in Ebonscale Reach
The Namazu in Brightwoo...

Beasts of Power in Aeternum Страница - База знаний NWGuide

Beasts of Power in Aeternum Страница Monsters of the Deep - в базе данных New World Guide of Lore

The Merrow in Cutlass Keys

The Angler Fish in First Light

The Bishop Fish in Windsward

The Morag in Monarch's Bluffs

The Selkie in Reekwater

The Mandje Mandje in Everfall

The Egede Serpe in Ebonscale Reach

The Namazu in Brightwood

The Ogopogo in Weaver's Fen

The Tessie in Restless Shore

The Hafgufa in Mourningdale

The Abaia in Edengrove

The Merlion in Great Cleave

The Mishipeshu in Shattered Mountain

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