A Proclamation from the Siren Queen

A Decree

Part of the following chapter:
Lore book icon The Siren Queen's Proclamations
The Siren Queen's Proclamations

My citizens,
All captives are to be brought to the figurehead to begin the citizenship process.
Any captive with experience in alchemy, machinery, or Ancient technology is to be spared citizenship, and brought directly to me.
-          S...

A Proclamation from the Siren Queen Страница - База знаний NWGuide

A Proclamation from the Siren Queen Страница A Decree - в базе данных New World Guide of Lore

My citizens,

All captives are to be brought to the figurehead to begin the citizenship process.

Any captive with experience in alchemy, machinery, or Ancient technology is to be spared citizenship, and brought directly to me.

-          So Sings the Siren Queen

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