The Iron Creed

Creed of the Company of the Iron Rose

Part of the following chapter:
Lore book icon The Iron Rose
The Iron Rose

A warrior’s honor is worth more than the coin in his purse.
He holds grace with his weapons subordinate to grace with those in his charge.
His tongue is as true as his blade, and his valor burns as a beacon for those in his shadow.
We are...

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The Iron Creed Страница Creed of the Company of the Iron Rose - в базе данных New World Guide of Lore

A warrior’s honor is worth more than the coin in his purse.

He holds grace with his weapons subordinate to grace with those in his charge.

His tongue is as true as his blade, and his valor burns as a beacon for those in his shadow.

We are not sellswords or mercenaries. We serve no purse or purser.

We are the bringers of order, and the keepers of peace.

We wield the might of our weapons in defense of the meek and the helpless,

And uphold the justice of our forefathers, in this life and all our lives thereafter.

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