A Sinister Intent

Found in Lapsus

Part of the following chapter:
Lore book icon Plans of the Corrupted
Plans of the Corrupted

**A dirty and splattered page, covered with the language of the Corrupted. A drawing of a large blade divides the page, wicked and powerful. While not understanding the words, the writing seems emphatic, eager, almost desperate somehow.**
Fiv bin...

A Sinister Intent Страница - База знаний NWGuide

A Sinister Intent Страница Found in Lapsus - в базе данных New World Guide of Lore

**A dirty and splattered page, covered with the language of the Corrupted. A drawing of a large blade divides the page, wicked and powerful. While not understanding the words, the writing seems emphatic, eager, almost desperate somehow.**

Fiv bingu guf hemaktexo axo. Ngoñ uwâtânfâp kuk anggidambi mab bingu bip a. Miwod pad pab Magmebeg mab mideh pad pab Magmebeg igambi ambi. Kuñ miwod ig, k'okti, he 'abto.

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