Paul's New Brew

Found in Hilltop Encampment


This brew is... odd. Not bad, but has a strange aftertaste. Like drinking whiskey with a pat of butter in it, leaves a bit of a film in your mouth.It certainly does the trick though, so I've started bottling up this first batch for the boys here. "...

Paul's New Brew Страница - База знаний NWGuide

Paul's New Brew Страница Found in Hilltop Encampment - в базе данных New World Guide of Lore

This brew is... odd. Not bad, but has a strange aftertaste. Like drinking whiskey with a pat of butter in it, leaves a bit of a film in your mouth.
It certainly does the trick though, so I've started bottling up this first batch for the boys here. "Paul's New Brew" seems to be a hit with everyone who's had it so far. Once we pack up camp, maybe I'll start a bigger business with Rost, send it out to all of the settlements for everyone to enjoy!

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