Bosun's Note

Found in Sleepy Tallow


The Captain found some kind of book when we were last ashore. He believed it contained the answer we needed to leave this cursed island. The Ebony Hawk’s a fine ship and many believed she would survive the journey. Despite tales of the doomed Vendett...

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Bosun's Note Страница Found in Sleepy Tallow - в базе данных New World Guide of Lore

The Captain found some kind of book when we were last ashore. He believed it contained the answer we needed to leave this cursed island. The Ebony Hawk’s a fine ship and many believed she would survive the journey. Despite tales of the doomed Vendetta, most of the crew felt it was worth the effort.

After spending hours going over that book in his cabin, the Captain finally stormed up to the deck in a state. He claimed he’d discovered some kind of ritual that would grant us safe passage. He insisted we would have no need to fear the Maelstrom. But it would require a sacrifice of some kind. When pressed on this, he grew silent and retreated to his cabin.

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