The Flood

Given to you by Gildon of Mourningdale

Part of the following chapter:
Lore book icon Visions of Madness
Visions of Madness

Truths drowned, resting under the surface. Hiding away ancient sins, hiding away ancient curses. I see them. The beings with four arms. I feel myself sinking under the water, my ears only hearing bubbling and sloshing. As I hold my breath, my chest t...

The Flood Страница - База знаний NWGuide

The Flood Страница Given to you by Gildon of Mourningdale - в базе данных New World Guide of Lore

Truths drowned, resting under the surface. Hiding away ancient sins, hiding away ancient curses. I see them. The beings with four arms. I feel myself sinking under the water, my ears only hearing bubbling and sloshing. As I hold my breath, my chest tightens as my strength leaves me. I can't sense what, but something is pulling me under the surface, and soon I shall run out of air.
As my mind leaves me, and my body begins to end its thrashing, I feel the waters surge within me. My lungs begin to fill, but oddly enough, it's not a cold wave entering the core of my body. I feel the water permeating my being, penetrating even to my very bones. I feel as if what was in me is driven out, and replaced by the waters. As I break my bondage and rise to the surface, my mind comes back to the world around me.

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