A Legendary Weapon

The Eternal Blade

Part of the following chapter:
Lore book icon King Arthur’s Arrival
King Arthur’s Arrival

I held the Eternal Blade in my hands. I could not identify the metal. It was lighter than steel and glittered like polished silver. I would swear it hummed.
The High King bid me strike an old anvil with the edge. I dared not until he commanded it...

A Legendary Weapon Страница - База знаний NWGuide

A Legendary Weapon Страница The Eternal Blade - в базе данных New World Guide of Lore

I held the Eternal Blade in my hands. I could not identify the metal. It was lighter than steel and glittered like polished silver. I would swear it hummed.

The High King bid me strike an old anvil with the edge. I dared not until he commanded it. Gripping it firmly, I smote the anvil and sheared away its heel in one stroke.

The Eternal Blade bore no mark. Its edge remained keen as a razor. By God, I will never see its equal.

Master Auric

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