Book of Shadows, Fragment 3

The Wolf Skull Expedient

Part of the following chapter:
Lore book icon Book of Shadows
Book of Shadows

Acquire the head or skull of a wolf whose name you know. Boil it in a dead thief’s tallow and place it in a circle of stones where it may soak up moonlight. Keep vigil over the skull for no less than three days, keeping away any beast or bird that mi...

Book of Shadows, Fragment 3 Страница - База знаний NWGuide

Book of Shadows, Fragment 3 Страница The Wolf Skull Expedient - в базе данных New World Guide of Lore

Acquire the head or skull of a wolf whose name you know. Boil it in a dead thief’s tallow and place it in a circle of stones where it may soak up moonlight. Keep vigil over the skull for no less than three days, keeping away any beast or bird that might disturb it.

Offer the skull a portion of your meal on the night of a holy feast. Draw the appropriate magical stave upon the skull’s brow.

And now, may you enjoy expeditious travel, when you call upon the living name of the dog’s skull.

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