The Malleus Mortuis: Hammer of the Dead

Concerning Burial Rites

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The Malleus Mortuis: Hammer of the Dead

By and large, these are worth piss all. Say your prayers, do your motions, light the incense, do the whole bloody mummers play production. The shambling corpses will just commence their shambling.
We’ve tried the prayers and rituals from East to ...

The Malleus Mortuis: Hammer of the Dead Страница - База знаний NWGuide

The Malleus Mortuis: Hammer of the Dead Страница Concerning Burial Rites - в базе данных New World Guide of Lore

By and large, these are worth piss all. Say your prayers, do your motions, light the incense, do the whole bloody mummers play production. The shambling corpses will just commence their shambling.

We’ve tried the prayers and rituals from East to West and up and down, to Europe, to Africa, to Asia, and back again. Believe me, this island gets all manner of visitor, and they’ve lent us their ways, and none of it seems to work, where ambling corpses are concerned.

Now there’s apocryphal talk of some powerful conjurers working some fancy invocations that keep the Lost sleeping for a spell. But I haven’t seen so with my own eyes. Not yet anyway.

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