The Malleus Mortuis: Hammer of the Dead

Fatum Nostrum Est

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The Malleus Mortuis: Hammer of the Dead

Be my time soon. Can feel it. Little things. Memories fading. Color is unnatural. Made a face that set the butcher’s apprentice to fainting. Didn’t mean to.
It’s the burial experiments that did it. Each one took its toll. Each corpse took a little...

The Malleus Mortuis: Hammer of the Dead Страница - База знаний NWGuide

The Malleus Mortuis: Hammer of the Dead Страница Fatum Nostrum Est - в базе данных New World Guide of Lore

Be my time soon. Can feel it. Little things. Memories fading. Color is unnatural. Made a face that set the butcher’s apprentice to fainting. Didn’t mean to.

It’s the burial experiments that did it. Each one took its toll. Each corpse took a little strip of me with it. Cunning buggers. They played the long game.

Nothing for it. Going to lie in the hole. Face down. Hope for the best…

-Oliver Ashwell

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