A Gift Among the Prismablooms

May this token bring you good fortune

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Lore book icon Springtide Village
Springtide Village

Alder left a token for me. I found it nestled inside one of the Prismablooms on the hill overlooking the hemp field. A talisman, meant to bring me good luck as I set off on my reverie.
It ...

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A Gift Among the Prismablooms Страница May this token bring you good fortune - в базе данных New World Guide of Lore

Alder left a token for me. I found it nestled inside one of the Prismablooms on the hill overlooking the hemp field. A talisman, meant to bring me good luck as I set off on my reverie.

It was a sweet tradition. When he first joined us, I left a token for him among the blooms near the river – a place he would often journey to be alone with his thoughts after more ecstatic revelations. He returned beaming at his good fortune, and so the others quickly joined in. Soon, we had hidden so many tokens, I doubt we shall ever reclaim them all. Perhaps someday soon, a stranger will visit us, and will stumble upon one. I can only hope it will offer the same sense of kismet it has brought to those of our number.

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