The First Revelation

What Came Before

Part of the following chapter:
Lore book icon Pious Echoes
Pious Echoes

(This brittle sheet of papyrus is fragmentary at best, with many words and sentences scratched out in a firm hand.)
The void, bursting with stars beyond counting.
The voices, each deeper than the sea and greater than the dome of the sky.  \...

The First Revelation Страница - База знаний NWGuide

The First Revelation Страница What Came Before - в базе данных New World Guide of Lore

(This brittle sheet of papyrus is fragmentary at best, with many words and sentences scratched out in a firm hand.)

The void, bursting with stars beyond counting.

The voices, each deeper than the sea and greater than the dome of the sky. 

The visions. The visions. They grant me no rest.

-Imhotep, Vizier of the Gods

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