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Shields' Fishing Stories
Part of the following topic:

Tales of Windsward
Contains the following pages

Woodlouse Invasion

Bread as Bait

Abaia Serpe

Perchal's Fishing Follies
Part of the following topic:

Tales of Cutlass Keys
Contains the following pages

Maintenance Update


Glowing Gnufish

Agarwal's Diary
Part of the following topic:

Tales of Weaver's Fen
Contains the following pages

The Unfortunates

Cleaning the Fen

Varanus Mandje

O'Connor's Triumphs
Part of the following topic:

Tales of Restless Shore
Contains the following pages


Oar You Ready?

Blue-blooded Barb

Abebe's Mourning
Part of the following topic:

Tales of Mourningdale
Contains the following pages

An Inherited Pole

Constant Rain


Sanders' Flight
Part of the following topic:

Tales of Reekwater
Contains the following pages

Missing Spark

Gaining Perspective

Decisions Made

Memories of Mistywater Thorp
Part of the following topic:

Tales of Reekwater
Contains the following pages

An Architect's Vision

Aid for the Needy

Lies and Deceit

On The Dryads
Part of the following topic:

Tales of Reekwater
Contains the following pages

Underestimated Intelligence

The Promenade

Vindicta Aeternum

Settler's Tales
Part of the following topic:

Tales of Reekwater
Contains the following pages

Easy Prey

A Good Impression

Peace and Quiet

Tales of the Soulwardens
Contains the following chapters

Go On Without Me

Soulwardens' Epitaph

Isabella's Fall

Isabella's Fall
Part of the following topic:

Tales of the Soulwardens
Contains the following pages

She Must Be Stopped

The Love of a Madman

Soul Thief

The Soulwarden's Oath
Part of the following topic:

Contains the following pages

Soulwarden's Burden

Soulwarden's Call

Soulwarden's Duty

The Hydra's Breath
Part of the following topic:

Tales of Brimstone Sands
Contains the following pages

A Debate on Ethical Warfare, Part One

A Debate on Ethical Warfare, Part Two

An End to the Debate

The Vigil Eternal
Part of the following topic:

Tales of Brimstone Sands
Contains the following pages

A Dream of Riches

Mind the Gap


Opening the Way
Part of the following topic:

Tales of Brimstone Sands
Contains the following pages

A Small Test

The Last Resort


Froderico's Notes
Part of the following topic:

Tales of Brimstone Sands
Contains the following pages

On the Evolution of the Roman Centuries

Local Superstitions

Firsthand Observations of Roman Pila

Consigned to Oblivion
Part of the following topic:

Tales of Brimstone Sands
Contains the following pages

The Passage of Time

Bitter Truths

Crassus's Oath

A Pilgrim's Diary
Part of the following topic:

Tales of Brimstone Sands
Contains the following pages

Blasphemous Musings

The Narrowing Road


Monarch's Wreckage
Part of the following topic:

Tales of Monarch's Bluffs
Contains the following pages

Capili's Coronation: Roster

Manifest of the Coronation

Capili's Coronation Log Day 13

Windsward Wreckage
Part of the following topic:

Tales of Windsward
Contains the following pages

Manifest of Le Coraquon

Captain's Roster

Food Troubles Aboard Le Caraquon

Missives from Thorpe
Part of the following topic:

Tales of Aeternum
Contains the following pages

Dear Marauder Lowlifes

I Challenge You

As I Lay Dying...

Tales of An Island Divided
Contains the following chapters

A Question of Faith

The Three Factions

Corrupted Grimoire

The Three Factions
Part of the following topic:

Tales of An Island Divided
Contains the following pages

The Covenant's Doctrine

The Syndicate's Charter

The Marauders' Manifesto

Garden of Genesis
Part of the following topic:

Tales of Expeditions
Contains the following pages

The Party Advances

A Strange Substance

The Party Falters

Dynasty Shipyard
Part of the following topic:

Tales of Expeditions
Contains the following pages

Edict 18

Edict 32

Edict 35

Lazarus Instrumentality
Part of the following topic:

Tales of Expeditions
Contains the following pages

An Unparalleled Opportunity

A Great Sacrifice

Growing Fear

Starstone Barrows
Part of the following topic:

Tales of Expeditions
Contains the following pages

Nakashima's Frustration

Ensouled Gems

Next Steps

The Depths
Part of the following topic:

Tales of Expeditions
Contains the following pages



The Box

The Vendetta
Part of the following topic:

Tales of the Sea
Contains the following pages

Sighting the Ghost Ship

Legend of the Vendetta

A Cautionary Tale

Lady Fathom
Part of the following topic:

Tales of Restless Shore
Contains the following pages

Mother of the Deep

The Vengeful Sea

Lady Fathom